I feel like I'm in a bit of a knitting funk. Been working on these projects for too long…. a bit bored. Hopefully writing about my current progress will give me some oomph to get them done!
First up, my Follow Your Arrow2 MKAL shawl. I'm currently nearing the end of Clue 3 (of 5) and have started to like this again. It was rough there for a while with Clue 2. Knit that stupid clue 3 times! I should have changed course after the first mishap with Clue 2 and knit the other option… instead I knit it again and AGAIN. Finally moderately pleased with how it turned out, though all those floats in the back are a pain in the ass. Planning to knit Clue 4 in all yellow, then clue 5 in a lighter green, though we'll see what I ultimately decide. I've been working option B for all of the clues and I like the idea of going back and knitting a new one with all option A. Maybe.
Next up, these stripy socks. What a BORING project, but they're coming along. Towards the end of sock #1, I realized that the yarns in this project probably aren't the best sock yarns. Oh well. I'm thinking of keeping this pair, so we'll see how they hold up, I guess.
Finally, the Jade Leaves Socks. Just barely started sock #2. I think that it'll fly once I get past the ribbing. I wish I had made the leg on sock #1 a tad longer. :-/ I was planning to keep these socks as well, but they're just a bit tight for me, so I think they'll be for the gift pile.
In my boredom with these projects, I've been dreaming about new projects to cast on. Though I've told myself: No new projects until one of these pairs of socks is complete!! I want to make a short-sleeve sweater dress/tunic for Erin. I've got some fun fingering weight yarn in mind. :)