Inspired by the tie-dying we did at camp, I did some home tie dying last week. Using Rit, I dyed 3 onesies for my future niece/nephew and a T-shirt for myself. It was a lot of fun. I'm a little bummed by how the white areas came out light pink; I guess I didn't rinse the dye out as thoroughly as I should have prior to washing all the garments together.
For my next dying adventure, I want to try out this gel glue faux-batik technique.
The other pictures in my camera from the past couple weeks:
I've been drinking yummy thai iced tea that I make in a mason jar. And I read a book (it was so-so). I got some lovely carnations, and my African violet is blooming for the first time since I rescued it from my previous job. I've been preparing for our big trip by writing up plant care instructions.
What's missing from these pictures? Knitting! Ugh--I'm stuck in a rut on all 5 of my projects! I'm half-way done with the border on the baby blanket. Both shawlettes are about 80% done, but I've reach the point with each one where I'm knitting many, MANY stitches per row. One pair of socks is more than 75% done, the other one is about 25% done. Overall, I'm feeling a bit of late-summer knitting ennui.
Knitting ennui aside, I've given lots of thought to what sort of projects I should pack for our trip to India. We have 6 flights and at least 6 train trips planned--> LOTS of knitting time. My iPod is full of books on tape that I've *borrowed* from the library and podcasts that I've fallen behind on. So I've got the time, and I've got the soundtrack, but what will I knit??
My plan right now is to bring my nearly-done Pagona shawlette, and a couple of wound-and-ready balls of fingering weight to start another shawlette when Pagona is complete. I'm thinking of these ones: Ginkgo, Mezquita, Nautilina, Fall of Leaves, Fannette, Haruni. So many options! Maybe I'll just bring the patterns and appropriate needles for all of them and make the decision later.
I'd like to hope that I'll have some finished object posts in a few weeks when we get home--cross your fingers!
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