I'm pretty sure that this was my first foray into log cabin piecing. It was pretty fun. I re-used some fabric that I had initially sewn together into a little tablecloth for my window sill back in NYC, when I used to get dirty dirty dirt everywhere bc the air was so icky. So I could just throw this little tablecloth thing into the washer every so often, instead of scrubbing grimy dirt off my window sill. Oops--tangent! Anyway, you can see the original item in the background of this pic of socks:
So, I pulled out my seam-ripper and got busy. Then I cut the strips into smaller strips, and 4 small squares. And a few hours later, I had those blocks--yea! I'm planning to make them into a small wall hanging for a friend's birthday that's coming up. The blocks all ended up slightly different sizes, so I'll do a bit of sashing between them--probably unbleached muslin...stay tuned!
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