1. Creepy drunk guy who lives on the first floor. He was my patient once about 2 years ago for a broken ankle (he tripped in his apartment while under the influence) and ever since then, whenever our paths happen to cross in the building (all too often, since he lives across from the elevator), he serenades me in his drunken warble. And totally creeps me out.
2. The utensil drawer in my kitchen. Always too crowded.
"Things" I will miss?
My roommates are awesome.
What I've been knitting: After I managed to somehow cast on the wrong number of stitches (off by 12? what!?) and proceed to knit for a good solid 2 hours before realizing my error and frogging, I'm back on track with the Sixteen-Point Tee from the latest Knitscene. I really hope this turns out cute. The Cascade fixation I'm using is almost the color of Christine's shirt up above. This is my first time knitting with yarn that's part elastic, and it's interesting. I have to consciously keep myself from knitting too tightly. I think this will be a great spring/summer/fall top. :)
Three days of board review course and I'm almost done with the first of my Traveler's Stockings. As predicted, once I made it through the cuff, the rest was smooth sailing. I think these are going to enter the gift stock. They don't fit me quite well enough to keep. But I really do think they're lovely.
So, I've kind of decided to attempt to do this "knit a sweater every month" thing that some other bloggers are doing. I don't want to fully commit to it, in case something comes up or I run out of money to buy yarn (entirely possible). But I've already picked out the pattern I'm going to knit for March: the Rainbow Yoke sweater, also from the latest Knitscene (I swear, I adore at least 1/2 the patterns in this issue, a rarity for me). I'm going to use a pale grayish blue heather for the body. I just need to get the Kuryon for the yoke, but I'm going to wait until I get to Seattle to get it. I really don't need anything else to pack up right now!
This Sunday is our House Cooling (Come Take Our Stuff) Party. Then I work my last 4 days next week (M/T/Th/F), then I'm continuing my Farewell Tour with a trip to DC for the weekend. That leaves 4.5 days to get totally ready to go. Yikes!
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