For dessert at the reception, we had some super delicious cupcakes and a simple little cake from Safeway for us to cut (superb deal, let me tell you!). I spruced up the little cake with this nifty cake topper.
Two wodden R's, painting blue and lime green. For the heart, I searched high and low in the craft store for a wooden heart but came up short. Instead I purchased a little paper heart-shaped box and used the lid--it worked splendidly! I used a bit of hot glue to connect the heart to the R's, although one side did come unglued on the big day. I also used hot glue to attach a bit of bamboo skewer to the back of the R's to help anchor them to the cake.
This craft project came together really quickly, if you don't count the time needed to let paint dry between coats, and probably cost less than $6. And now we have the cake topper on our bookshelf, a pleasant little reminder of our party.