Thursday, September 30, 2010
Bias Bind Off
I love learning new techniques. :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
FO: Most Lovely Hat
Love it.
I need to weigh how much yarn I have left over...there must be enough for another hat for myself.
WIP Wednesday!

First, the Katarina cardigan is coming along at a nice clip! The official start of Fiber Gallery's KAL is 10/10, but I won't be able to attend the kick off party, and I couldn't wait until then anyhow. :) I just LOVE the yarn--Dream in Color Classy. The iphone actually did a decent job of capturing the color, a mottled black. What you see above is the back up to the point where you cast off for the armholes. All of that is less than one skein of the Classy. The pattern calls for a rolled edge, but that's not my look, so I'm going to do a hemmed edge. I worked the facing one needle size smaller in the hopes that it would be inconspicuous...this is a bit of an experiment

Second, the most lovely hat; significantly less blurry in real life. This Manos Del Uraguay Maxima is one of the most beautiful yarns I have ever seen. I will definitely have to make something for myself with the left over--perhaps just a plain stockinette stitch hat to really show off the colors. In the above blurry pic I am just to the point of starting the crown decreases. And in real life, I'm nearly done with the hat, but as of this writing, it is still a WIP, at least for the next little while. :) The pattern, btw, is Armando (pdf of pattern), a hat pattern I have knit twice before. I'm really fond of the result.
The stocking is up in the craft room closet, in time out. Hopefully I'll have renewed enthusiasm for it in November.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday Likes and Loathes

Loathe: these darned hives.
Like: Too Beautiful to Live, my new favorite podcast. I read about the host, Luke Burbank, in one of the Seattle magazines we subscribe to, and I've been listening for about the past week. They put out a new episode EVERY day. And they're entertaining, sometimes informative.
Loathe: sleep deprivation.
Like: our day trip to Victoria BC on Saturday. What good weather we lucked into!
Loathe: did I mention the hives?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
WIP Wednesday

Friday, September 17, 2010
Address Stamp
Now that I'm married and have a house, I decided it was high time I had a custom address stamp, naturally. I started with a simple google search and found lots of examples of standard, customizable (boring) stamps. Then a little lightbulb went off in my head...Etsy!
Who knew there would be so many interesting and cute address stamps?! These are the ones I've favorited so far:
Any thoughts on which one I should choose?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wedding Craft: Groom's Socks
The pattern was just a basic 64 stitch sock, worked in 2x2 rib, with the rib carried down onto to the top of the foot. The yarn is some KnitPicks Risata that had been chilling in my stash for a few years.
Wedding Craft: Shrug

Shocking! A stocking!

I'm hoping to get a few posts up soon about some of the things I made for the wedding. :)