It's full-on fall here. I think I saw the sun once or twice last week, but we've entered the gray zone--those 8 or so months where it's overcast nearly every day.
Not that it matters for me. With the onset of Standard Time two weeks ago, by the time I wake up, the sun is already on it's way down. Despite the gray skies and early dark, I have had a few lucky moments to take in the fall colors. I thought I would miss the changing of the leaves once I moved back to the Evergreen State, but over here on the East Side of Lake Washington, where rapid sprawl (and its bff clear cutting) has led to the planting of many deciduous trees, I've gotten a few eyefulls of beautifully colored leaves. :)
And in time for the cooler weather, I've got a progress shot of the
Buncha Squares Blanket!
(I swear the pink doesn't look so pukey in real life!)
I've made even more progress since that pic was taken and now have only 6.5 more blocks to put the single-color borders on. Not a small task, considering the solid-color border doubles the weight of the block, but I've started to see the light at the end of the tunnel on this garter stitch slugfest. One thing about this blanket, it has certainly reinforced my love for
Cascade 220. To prevent any 220 withdrawal once I finish this blanket, I ordered some Cascade 220 superwash in a lovely stone color to make
this blanket for a pregnant friend.
In non-knitting news, let me just say that I LOVE THE
KING COUNTY LIBRARY. Since moving to Bellevue, I've joined this library, the 2nd largest library system in the country, and I must say I have been
impressed by their music collection. In two weeks, I've checked out 14 CDs that have been on my Listen-To list for quite some time. Yea! I also check out a
book, thought I haven't been motivated to read much of it yet. I think I need to start utilizing their audiobook services. We all know it's a challenge to read and knit.
Stay tuned, next on the blog, my TTL Mystery Socks--revealed! And a belated birthday gift for my sister.