Many of the nights at work have been sloooooooow. Slow to the point that there's really nothing left for me to do besides knit. That's right, I get to knit at work! This might be the best. job. ever. Hehe. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the next clue for the TTL Mystery Socks, and in the mean time I'm working on the 2nd purple blob. I'm not sure how far I am into the 2nd purple blob. I kind of just want to knit until I run out of yarn. We'll see.
I do have a couple of finished things to show. I finished my Autumn Bandit more than a month ago, and captured a picture of it before shipping it off to a dear friend for her birthday.
I didn't have enough Trekking to finish the border chart. And instead of ripping back one pattern repeat, I decided to use some sock yarn remnants in coordinating colors. I like the way it turned out.
I also whipped up a quick brown Porom for a sister's birthday. Turns out that sister isn't too keen on the slouch hat look, but the other sister loved the hat, so it went to her instead.
First sister will get some knitted fingerless gloves instead...just as soon as I get reunited with my stash. Maybe these, or these.
And still plugging away on the Buncha Squares blanket. I think I have 6 complete blocks now. It looks like I'm going to have to order some more yarn. Hopefully just a couple more skeins. We'll see.