Friday, October 19, 2007

mid October update

So much to talk about, so let's get right down to it:

1. Blue Stripeys. Finally finished these socks that I started waaaaaaaaaaay back in July on the way to Jamie's wedding. Way back when, I'd nearly completed one sock, when I had my roommate try it on, only to find it was way too small! So, completely frogged. Re-cast with larger needles. And many months later, here we have the finished product.

blue stripeys 4

I wasn't too happy with these socks. I don't like the way the short-row heel turned out (note to self: investigate other short row heel methods). Also, not so fond of the knitted fabric that resulted from increasing the needles size.

blue stripeys 3

But thankfully I've got a family full of women with similarly sized feet. A quick text message to my sister, "Hey, check out my flickr page and tell me if you want those blue socks," and her reply, "Yes please!!" and these socks have a good home with someone who won't look at them and only see their flaws (do you think I'll be like this with my hypothetical children? only seeing their flaws??? I sure hope not)

blue stripeys 2

2. Plum Sweater Update. Making excellent progress on the sweater. Done with the body up to the armpits. Need to cast on the sleeves. Nothing too exciting, just LOTS of stockinette.

3. Cast-On-itis. A week or so ago I got a mad case of cast-on-itis, went stash diving and started a few new projects. First, the Chevron Scarf from LMKG, using two amazingly bright colors of Colinette Jitterbug. I have no idea who I'm making this for--it's sooooooooooo bright.

Jitterbug wave scarf

Also cast on last week, Dirty Hippy Hat. Just a basic hat, seed stitch brim, with tall stitches on the body of the hat. Yarn: Noro Silk Garden. I plan on making a few of these as xmas gifts; good mindless TV knitting. This first Dirty Hippy Hat has been almost done for about a week now (I knit it in one sitting while watching a movie). I just need to suck it up and finish the darned thing!

dirty hippy hat

The 3rd NCOO (newly cast on object) is a slightly modified version of Broadripple from Knitty. I started with a picot edge; am working the sock over 64 st (large footed family); and instead of yarnovers, I'm using M1 on the plain row for slightly smaller holes in the lace pattern. The heel is a plain stockinette square. I love these socks so far. Hopefully their recipient will like them as well.

Mod Broad

4. In non-knitting stuff, I went to Boston last weekend, my first time there in a year. I visited Jamie and Jessica, and had such a nice time! On Saturday, by sheer dumb luck, Jamie and I ended up at the Partners in Health Symposium at Harvard--we heard Paul Farmer, Ophelia Dahl, Jim Kim, Melinda Gates, Danny Glover, and people from PIH sites around the world. It was inspiring; my desire to work abroad has been re-ignited. Me and Jamie (I forgot to take a picture with Jessica...oops!)

Me and Jamie

5. Today I saw Gone Baby Gone. What a good movie! Though, I can't say the title without thinking of the Gnarls Barkley song Gone Daddy Gone. Anyways, back to the movie--well acted, beautifully shot. Heart breaking, though, as social commentary. A bit demoralizing.

6. On the subway today, I was sitting next to little boy--not more than 4 years old--who was studying a placemat map of the world from 125th to 168th. It was pretty much the cutest thing.

7. Let me leave you with this sentiment: I love tofu. It's so yummy. I really want this shirt:

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Finished: Florentine Clapotis

Florentine detail

I purchased this yarn in January 07 when mom was visiting. I remember showing it to her while we were waiting in line to see The Drowsy Chaperone. I was instantly taken by the vibrant colors of the yarn—how bright! So soft, and superwash! Oh Colinette

Florentine Clapotis Floretine detail

I started this project in January and plugged along slowly until late February or so when this project got moved to the bottom of the project basket. With the advent of cooler temps a few weeks ago, I pulled this out with renewed vigor and voila!

Florentine Clapotis

I was unsure how long to continue the straight section—I didn’t want a clapotis too long, and I kind of had to guess about when to start the decreases, but I’m so happy with the length! I feel like it’s perfect. Long enough to wrap around and around my neck, but not so long that it drags down around my waist.

oct 02 07 006

Let me just say for the few people who have yet to knit up this project—it’s so freeing to drop stitches! And it’s fun to knit a diagonal project.

I popped by Spin Out this past Saturday and learned to knit with a drop spindle—what fun! New hobby? I think so! In other news, I cast on for a sweater for me. My last attempt at a grown up sized sweater has remained in storage since it's creation a year or so ago. The wool is too scratchy, even after a good soak in WoolWash. This new sweater is going fine so far. I'm using Cascade 220 tweed that I purchased in Sept 06 at Knit NY during the Knit Out sale.

sept 17 06 038

According to flickr, that picture was taken 9/17/06. For a year I've thought and thought about the best way to use it. I finally decided to knit up this sweater from the summer Classic Elite booklet. My gauge is different, so I had to fudge the numbers a bit, so I'm nervous about how it's all going to work out. But so far, so good.

plum sweater plum sweater

I know gauge lies so I've got my fingers crossed that it works out alright.

I learned how download audiobooks from the NY public library website--how exciting! All morning while I was sewing sewing sewing I was listening to The Painted Veil. The reader has a pleasant English accent and 6 + hours of listening has given the voice of my thoughts a bit of an English accent too! :)